I thought that the RSS feed icon would look fun as a cookie. So I made a cookie and took a photo of it. I then replaced the original RSS feed icon with the picture of the RSS feed cookie on the RSS feed subscription. I think it look great and is a bit fun too.
Happy Caking
Lara: Thank you
Haha, that’s such a cool idea. Geeks everywhere will love it 🙂
So cute! 😀
Ohh sorry Joshua I thought you were someone else. My mistake;)
OK!! so I am not a computer nerd lol!! offcourse it it a RSS feed logo. Thats just me mixing things up. Thanks Joshua for the note:)))
Say hi to Judy for me!
Thank you all. lol I think it is cool too;)
erin, it is a plain sugar cookie.
You did a great job replicating the LOGO! You are always thinking of something!
Very cute 🙂
what a great idea… hi-hi it looks so cool.
I love it, you are so creative!
Absolutely adorable! What a creative idea…now more importantly, what kind of cookie is that? Plain sugar?