Are you tired of using lots of time cleaning up your cake tins after you are done baking? I know I am, so I like to line my cake tins when I bake my cakes because it prevents the cake to stick to the cake tin and makes the cleaning a lot easier. Here is a tutorial on how to line a cake tin.
This is what I use:
Baking paper or grease proff paper
Non-stick baking spray
A paper clip
Step 1:
Take your baking paper and place you cake tin on top of it. Now draw around the cake tin with your pencil.
Step 2:
Cut out the marked piece of paper and make sure that it fits the tin.
Note: This is for the bottom of the cake tin.
Step 3:
Cut a strip of baking paper long enough to go all the way around the cake tin. I like to cut my strip 1″ higher than the tin.
Step 4:
Fold down 1″ of the strip and make 1/2″ cuts into the paper. Make around 1″ between each cut.
Step 5:
Grease you cake tin with non-stick baking spray.
Note: butter and vegetable oil can also be used
Step 6:
Now you take the long strip of baking paper with the fold and cuts facing down at the bottom of the tin. Make sure it fits nicely all the way around the cake tin.
Step 7:
You can use a paper clip to hold the ends together. Now take the paper from step 2 and place it at the bottom of the cake tin.
Step 8:
The cake tin is now ready to be filled with cake batter.
Note: If you are baking a cake that raises a lot then it is important to line your cake tin with a collar so you wont end up with cake batter everywhere.
Happy Caking!
Fabulous idea!!!! This will help out a bunch. My cakes love to stick as well, no matter how good I coat them.
Daphne: Your welcome 🙂
Thanks very much for the photographs to accompany the instructions. It helps when you can see it.
No it will not stop the edges from getting hard. You can minimize that by lowering the temp and bake the cake longer. Some also place a bowl of water at the bottom of the oven. It should make the cake more soft and moist?
Thanks Louise, thsi is so helpful! Would this now stop the cake from going hard at the edges?
You are so very welcome Jackie 😀
Hi ter Louise, thank you very much.
roxanne: No you do not have to use the cake release. But you will need to grease the tin lightly to keep the paper in place.
To the rest of you: I am glad that you can use it 🙂
Thanks Louise, for all the good tips and ideas to make this work beutiful, easy and better,
Hugs, Marielba from Venezuela
Wow thanks a lot! My cakes always stick to the pan even if I use butter or oil!! And with a normal sheet of baking paper doesn’t work cause it’s not always of the right dimension.
Fantastic thank you a lot
Thanks. I was just thinking I should start this but couldn’t understand the directions in the Wilton book. Question- Once you line the pans, you don’t have to use the Wilton cake release?
I line the bottom part, I didn’t know you could line the sides too. Clever idea.
Nice, Louise !
thanks for this louise!!
I do a very swift, but not as effective way of tin lining so my gramma (a great perfectionist) does it for me all the time. 😉
i will mend my ways =D