Here is a video tutorial on how to make a ribbon rose. As you can see CakeJournal is now on youtube. I am just testing this so please abstract for the poor picture and sound quality 🙂 I would though really love your feedback. Is this something you would like to see more of?
Please visit my tutorial section if you want to learn techniques on how to make other types of gum paste flowers.
Happy Caking!
Dou hve any tutorial for decorating with buttercream???
Anyhow,,, i really enjoy to read all your tutorial…
U r a kind woman… Love to share with people begginner in bakinglike me…
Ur pastes are great, just very wonderful. I would love to have mine look like urs someday. Am a begginner. I love ur work
my daughter is twelve and loves making cakes she is very good your site has good easy to follow instructions and lots of advice thankyou
I love your web site. Glad to have found it and your instructions are great. Thank you so very much.
I totally love your website, I have learned a lot!!! and of course I would love to watch your tutorials in youtube!
Please I would love to see a tutorial of a gift box cake!!! thank you my dear.
I would love to see how you make a magnolia. I have seen so many variations of this flower. I am always looking to learn new things,new angles from other artists. Thanks.
Hey Louise,
I really liked video it helps to see you do it, but I still like to have it where I can print it, so I can go back to it in my file . I’m very new to this, all the information I can get is great. Thanks for your help it means alot!!!!!
Emma: it happens when the paste is to thick/dry. Try and make them with 50/50 gum paste & rolled fondant
Hi Louise,
Great tutorial! I love these little roses! However, mine seem to get a little cracked on top, where it’s been rolled – do you know why this might happen?
Bridget: Depending on what decorations I am making I use mostly: Rolled fondant and gumpaste.
Thanks so much–for all of the information you share! I had wondered, too, what you used (straight fondant or gumpaste), so a little info in the sidebar would be useful.
Thank you so much for this gorgeous tutorial. I’ve just run this over at Australia Entertains for the Aussies to try! Thanks as always for your beautiful inspiration. Kathryn
Thank you, so much!
I know this was posted a “little” while ago but it’s great! Now I’m going to have to make a run to the store for more supplies! LOL
payal: I guess that you could only marzipan is not flexible so it can be hard to make it nicely.
This website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. I found so much useful things here. Thank you.
can this be made with marzipan?
jennifer: Thank you, I do hope that I can make some more….
mein: your welcome.
Thank you for the post. I have just started learning how to decorate wedding cakes and this is going to be very useful.
Thanks again.
This is good,the video was not bad afterall, if the free clips that are normally sent to me by cake sites were this good i could have paid up for then, i’d really like to see more. thanks
Thank you 🙂
Thanks for the post! love your page, stumbled upon it while looking for some mad hatter tips. will be coming back for more!
so nice ,, go on ,, it is really more good when you see the thing practically not like reading it you really got it:)
Trish: I too hope to make more of these….
I would LOVE to see more of these types of tutorials. I adore your site, by the way. 🙂
It is so much easier to understand a video than a book. Thank you so much! Keep doing this!!!
LOL Well I am glad that you all like what I do. THX!
I’ve found a GOLDMINE for instructions on how to do some of the simpliest things that were causing me soooo much frustration. Your site is absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
I love it! Thanks for the tutorial!
Fantastic!!!! I Love this video!!
i love cake!!!!!
diana & alicegop: thank you both 🙂
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your how to’s on this site are a dream come true!!!
So thats how you do it,
I never thought of folding the rolled fondant before shaping it into a rose.
thank you so much…..
love it
Well I am glad that you found it usefull.
Hi Louise!
Most creative people are very visual and therefore are visual learners, so videos are great! You are doing great things here :o)
Thank you. I hope that there will be time to make a new one.
Thanks for the video!! It was very easy to see and understand, Great technique, thanks again!!
Hi Sophie,
I think for this one I use rolled fondant. I usually dont add Tylo powder to ribbon roses. I used a leaf cutter.
Hi Louise,
Were these made with just mmf? or did you add anything to make them harder? Also do you use molds for the leaves?
I loved seeing this video. I would love to see more as well. The more the better. Thank you .
wow! i can’t believe it was that easy! it was really nice discovering your blog, i’ve learned a lot. thanks!
loved the video but i hope you can explain while doing the stuff that you do.. you’re so awesome! God gve you such a great talent! i envy you… 🙂
Well I am glad that you liked it. I hope to soon make more videos like this one.
That video was great – now I know to use a double layer! Thanks for posting this.
😉 Its not the best video, but I hope you can use it.
I can’t wait to give this a try! Thanks!!!
LOL I can see that I soon have to make a new one…
I loved it! It’s a lot easier to see it being done in a video than stills. I’d love to see more.
Great tutorial, the video is a great way to learn. I would love to see more
Kind Regards
Thank you for you suggestion mooncrazy.
I’d love to see more video. Also how to handle rolled fondant.
Yes, thank you! I’d love to see more.
Thank you! One of my friends gave me some great ideas for what I could show on video. So I will work on that when time allows 🙂
Thanks Louise for all your advise. The rose looks so easy. Im going home to try it out. I love the video’s.
I learn by example so much quicker. Thank you! If you have anything else, please share:)
Thank you all. I am glad that you liked it and found it usefull. I will try to make more of these video tutorials in the future 🙂
CJ, that was very cool. As they say: pictures are worth a thousand words, but videos are even better!
You are going to be a very busy girl! LOL
Please Louise!
It´s a great way to learn. Thank you for share this information!
I love video tutorials.And have been wanting to learn that ribbon rose ! You sent it at the perfect time! Thanks so much!! I would love to see more video tutorials! Its so much better to see it being done !!! THANKS!!!
More, please 🙂
I would love to see more video tutorials. My ribbon rose never turned out right. Seeing it done on the video really helped. Thank you so much for posting this.
Wow, this is fantastic. Thankyou so much for sharing!
This is great! I would like to see more of this kind of tutorial. Thanks so much.
That’s awesome. It is so cool to actually see it done because I couldn’t get it. Thank you!