I am a big fan of Sharon from SugarEd Productions and her fantastic dvd’s. Especially the previous one Boxes & Bows which was filled with so many tips and tricks. Well Sharon is not lazy as she is out with a brand new dvd for all of her SugarEd fans.
This time it is all about the popular Topsy Turvy cakes. There are several ways this cake is made and I like Sharons and the Australian style (Madhatter) the best. So I have just placed my order for her new Topsy Turvy dvd and I cant wait to hold the dvd in my hands…..
Happy Caking
Adelina: There are a link to SugarEd Productions from where you can buy the dvd.
Where can i get this dvd?!?!? it looks amazing!
OMG! Thank you for posting about the SugarEd DVDs! Why have I not heard of these?
Thanks again!
wow Louise… way to turn your blog into an advertisement blog…
Louise, I would love to know how YOU made your topsy-turvy cake that you use as your logo. I’ve never seen such precise cutting!!
I have the dvd and it is great! I am looking forward to making a topsy turvy with her techniques.
Oh now I am even more excited 🙂 I just know that this will be good!
I love your new layout!
Hi Louise,
thanks for info, I like your new blog look
Hi I see pictures for dvd’s she is great
thanks for de send see you
I haven’t made wonky cakes before but Lindy Smith here in the UK has also produced a DVD about wonky celebration cakes, as well as one about cake jewellery (which I have done using her book and was great fun!)
I love the new look!
Thanks, Louise for the dvd review. And this is a great new layout. Your help is always appreciated!
BTW..Love the new look of the bolg
Thanks Louise for ALL the wonderful information.
Hi Louise,
I also have her Boxes & Bows and just loved it!. I placed my order for the Topsy Turvy over a month ago because she had a promotion going on and couldn’t resist. I can’t wait to get mine!!!! Love your news website design :o)
Oooh Im tempted! Next cake order, I’ll use some of the money to pay for this i think!
How exciting, love her work!
By the way I love your new layout and design, very nice!
I have it and it’s awesome!!!! And I think she is talking about Planet Cake in Austrialia as I have their new book also absolutely love it!!!!
Love the new look and layout! Fantastic! I too, just ordered Sharon’s latest DVD: Totally Topsy Turvy…and can’t WAIT for it to arrive.