Sometimes we need more than two hands to decorate a cake. Lucky for us, there is this new tool to get us a little bit closer. This Decorating Bag Holder is a great way to keep the counter cleaner and more organized while perfecting your desserts. Instead of spending time dealing with pastry bag spills and stickiness, you can focus on the task at hand.
The product costs $9.99, which seems like a pretty good deal for such a helpful item. I find this to be really helpful while decorating because it allows for more creativity in your cake. The ability to neatly hold your different bags makes dealing with multiple colors more accessible and frankly more fun. I hope you all grab one of these next time your (virtually or actually) browsing the decorating aisle.
One lucky reader won’t have to browse those aisles because thanks to Shop Bakers Nook, we’re giving one away!
One of you could be the lucky winner of this awesome product.
All you have to do is leave a comment, telling me what your favorite piping tip is and why.
The winner will be chosen Saturday (9/12) and the winner will be announced in this post.
Remember when you write a comment also to make sure that there is a way for me to contact you (email or blog link)
I will use integer generator to pick out the lucky number and the deadline will be Saturday, September 12 at 9.00 p.m (recorded by the comment time stamp)
The winner is… #149:
149. Marsha
September 8th, 2009 10:40 pm
If I can only choose one, my favorite tip would be the round one – I don’t care what size. You can make anything with a round tip – flowers, leaves, writing, borders, swags, you name it – the round tip is the winner in my cookbook!
Happy Caking!
My favorite would be any leaf tip that I have. They just always add the finishing touch to the cake. Great for making “ears” on critters, flames, adding leaf trims on the base of the cake, seaweed, pointettias and of course, filling in between flowers.
Tip 21 is my favorite because I like to use it to make rosettes for borders or for small cupcake swirls. It’s also nice for tree branches and sunflower stems.
#3~ I outline cookie after cookie with this tip!
I love the grass tip the best as I just love making themed cuppies ie. football, teddy picnic, chick. Or you can always use it for hair!!
My favorite tip is either a big star or a big round tip. Nice and simple.
I love the plain round one for dots, lines and lettering!
I love the one that makes big swirls on cupcakes. I love making cupcakes!
I am actually practising with tip 233 to make some look alike grass!!!….I am looking forward to see who wins!!!
I’d have to say that star tips are my favorite, they’re just so fun to play with
I love so many of them and I am just learning how to use them. Right now I love using the large open mouthed one for making swirls on cupcakes!
I love creating beautiful icing flowers, so hands down the No. 104 tip is a MUST. This versatile tip is also useful for making ruffles, swags,and foliage, elevating even a mundane cake into a work of art.
Oh, by piping tip I thought tip in the sense of ‘advise’! Mistake 🙂
I like the number 3
Wow, so many comments, well, I’ll add mine even if it may sounds superfluous:
when decorating a white cake wear white clothing, and keep any coloured ingredient well out of the way (it seems obvious, but sometimes the bench get cluttered) as even a little speck of alien colour could get in the way…
Favorite tip? That’s hard to narrow down. I love the 1M for doing gorgeous cupcakes so quickly and easily, I love the grass tip because it’s great for furry animals and hair, and I love the leaf tip because it’s great for leaves and flower petals and also for owl feathers… yes, I said owl feathers!
my favorite tip is the basket weave tip, it’s so fabulous and creative looking!
My favorite is #1… the smallest I have. I have heard rumors there are smaller…. 🙂
I like the big cupcake tips, and the long tip to fill cupcakes. Also wilton #22 tip. I would love to win this decor. bag holder. Thanks for the giveaway!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! I sooooooo need to get one of those holders. I always seem to spill some frosting on my counter when I am trying to load up my bag. Such a great idea. I would LOVE to have one.
I have to go with many other people here – I LOVE, love my 1 M tip. What’s better than a big buttercream swirl on top of a cupcake?
I still have many things to learn with cake decorating, but I like using the 1M for cupcakes and 3 for writing on large cakes.
i LOVE my 1M tip! i tend to personalize cupcakes with words and the 1M tip always helps me get super-neat, pretty cupcake decorations! 😀
My favorite tip is the one I can actually find! Hmmm, I think my organization skills might need some work.
Lately it’s the 1M tip… simple & pretty 🙂
My favorite is #67 for leaves. I used to only use it for a few things, but discovered last year how to use it to make poinsettia petals, and decorated a bunch over Christmas.
My fav tip would have to be the star tip #16. It’s so versatile …
I love making flowers, those tips are my favorite. And I also bought the one that makes grass, I think that looks really cute.
It has to be the wilton 1M cos I can produce the dreamiest,whirliest swirls on my cupcakes and so much more!
My favorite tip is the Star tip. Mainly size 12 or 14 depending on the size of my cake. It allows for versatile borders/designs for me. Ilm just in love with it. Just like I LOVE ALL THINGS CAKE, I LOVE ALL THINGS STARS, lol.
wilton 1m absolutely, I have upgraded to an ateco version too, so I can dishwasher them with no tarnishing or rusting
I love flowers on cakes. I would go for drop flower tips # 190 or 225.
my favourite is wilton 1m tip & the star tip coz its really versatile, the first icing tip i own is 1M 🙂
For me 1M is the best that I see.! Its great to cover the cakes , and its my favourite because its the firts that I use, by now.
Thank you!
I love to use the grass tip. I’m not sure the number, but I like how you can create “grass” and even it you mess up, it still look good! I also love 1M for my cupcakes, YUM!
Probably not original, but I have to say Wilton’s 1M tip – simple to use and those swirls always get compliments.
My favourite is 1M, makes the most perfect swirls. Makes cupcakes look more appetising as it reminds me of the swirls of icecream that i use to have as a kid.
My husband tried to make me one. Not this nice
Wilton #106
Star Tip! My god daughter loves the beautiful designs on her favorite pastry, the cupcake!!!!
Wilton #1 is my fave, it makes really nice swirls 🙂
#2 for piping borders on cookies. Thanks for the giveaway!
A very large star tip! Thanks! 😀
#7 to pipe details on a cake.
A large star tip for cupcakes. Thank you!
#3 for sure! Thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway! I’ve wanted to try this product for a while now!
My favorite piping tip has got to be #2… It’s the one I use most often for decorating cookies.
My favorite tip is the #3 tip. I love to make dots, write, and outline cookies before flooding them! I love this bag holder!
I love a big 1B tip…it’s swirl is so classic and simple and can be decorated in any number of ways!
I have so many fav’s. The ones I use the most, though, are #3 and #18. I haven’t bought one of these holders cause my husband thinks I have enough gadgets! What? How can that be?
My favorite tip is any size rose tip, because you can make lots of flowers and borders with it, everything always turns out really girly which i love!
my favorite has to be the #2. I can pipe before flooding, write, do just about anything with it. I love the new holder. It looks alot nicer than the tumbler that i normally use to hold my bags.
I’ve never actually owned a piping set but plan on getting one. However in the meantime, I just snip the end of a ziplock bag and I’m ready to go (:
I have such a huge collection of tips, but I mostly decorate cookies so the most useful for me is the #2 tip. This bag holder seems really practical, can’t believe it took so long for someone to come up with it!
I love my #7 it makes great dots and writing also great for borders and flowers I could decorate a whole cake with just that tip.
I use the round tips, mostly #3 for cookie decorating. I love the new piping bag holder that Wilton has come out with! I’m getting one of as soon as I can get to the store!
I do not have any favorite piping tip because I am only starting in this world, but I am sure soon I will have one. Love from Spain
Hi, no doubt,#22 is the one I use the most, perfect for cupcakes…
stars are my fave tip. Brilliant for stars on my cupcakes and also piping stars on my daughters fingers for them to lick off!
My favorite is the star tip #18. Like others have said, you can do a great deal of different things with it. Really, I like all the star tips.
Good morning, my favorite tipe is Wilton tip 21, because with her we can do lovely flowers.
Very interesting the contest, good luck to all the participants.
light kisses from Portugal
Ohhhh…la la la..My favorite tip is the #104!
All the great flowers this tip can create! Let me share..the Rose, Daffodil, Pansy, Daisy, Primrose..I sure do love flowers and this tip is at the top of my list!
Make it a YOU kinda day!
I love the round tips, very versatile..I can even decorate a whole cake using only one tip-round tip#2 or 3. I make lace work,add some dots then write the message!!Neat and sophisticated…
I love love LOVE star tips! you can do so much with them! from a twirl of frosting on cupcakes to little stars and shells etc!
Most used is my Wilton #3 (gingerbread men) but love my drop flower and leaf tips for quick and easy cupcakes too!
My all time fave tip = the grass tip. With 2 boys in my house (plus my hubby) my cuppies (and often birthday cakes) like to disguise themselves as furry monsters (the happy kind, of course) and the grass tip is extremely useful. Plus, we’re getting into the sports themed cakes and what’s a sports cake without grass?? 😀
LOVE your site by the way!
Meri Anne
The large star tip1 You cant go wrong.
I, too, love my 1M tip!
I love the star tip, not for my use with it, but because I remember my mom making cakes throughout my childhood and she always used it to do her cakes!
I too love my 1M tip!
My favorite it is wilton, beacause are very easy for use
I would have to say either the 1M tip or the grass hair tip
I love my big star tip (surprise) because it makes cupcakes easy
I love the icer tip! It makes it easy and a fast way to ice your cake. Thanks.
There are so many to choose from! I guess my favorite would have to be the grass tip, I have used it so many times. Other than that any round tip, because you can do so much with it. From pearls, borders, to writing words it does everything.
My favorite tip to use is the Wilton #2. It’s great for outlining and adding details to my cookies.
What a genius idea! I always curse the thought of leaving my piping bags out on the counter to roll and smush and collect air bubbles, and sometimes leak. Thank you for posting!!
Definitely 1M tip from Wilton,I made lots of rose swirl on cupcakes with it, very useful tip.
I’m a novice baker, so I’ll use whatever tip I can get my hands on. 🙂
I like a star tip.
My favorite tip in the whole wide world is Wiltons #233 I love pipping grass, hair, nests Oh! so pretty when you add a few flowers in among the grass.
Love all the Round tips, Fun on a cupcake too!
Tip 233 is for sure my fave!!! I use it a lot to make grass, hair, fringe, and I could not have pulled off my son’s Elmo birthday cake without it!
My favorite tip is #3. I can make the coolest decorated cookies with it!
I have two I’m using now. Arco 800 somthing and Wilton M1… bc I’m lazy and they are great for cup cakes, big or small!
I think my favorite tip would be Wilton 352. I LOVE making leaves, and it seems that when I put that tip on the end of my decorating bag, it just “takes me away”; kind of like Calgon does when I take a bath.
Hi Louise, my favorite tipe is N 23 star, makes my cake looks amazing, greetings from Venezuela
I like a small star tip. There are so many borders and designs you can use it for.
I’d have to say my favorite is the star tip #21. You can just do so many things with it, and it’s the one I always turn to!
As boring as it may sound, I like the #2 and #3 tips to write names and outline things.
Tu blog es una maravilla, lo sigo, aunque escribo poco porque de ingles… no se mucho… haces cosas espectaculares.
Un beso y sigue enseñandonos cositas tan ricas.
I like the star tip. It’s the first one I learned how to use, and I love the versatility of it.
1m piping tip for cupcakes!!
My favorite tip is 2D,is super easy to decorate cupcakes with this one
1M for sure! Awesome cupcakes with that one. But this new product would be great for trying lots of new tips!
my favourite one is star n18!!! Lovely holder, didn’t know it existed! Regards from UK!
I am trying again, with my second favourite tip, which is the Wilton 1M… for icing the cupcakes!!!
Wilton 1M for cupcakes too – because I learnt from the best that is Cake Journal!
my favorite is the big tala8 its great for cupcakes, my gran gave it to me and she used it for piping mashed potatoes over 40 years ago so its well worn and loved.
My current favourite tip is my closed star – i love the soft folded effect it can produce.
Wilton #3 and M1, becuase is very easy to use it
Love the website, I get so excited when I see your new post! You’ve taught me so much! Thankyou!!! As for favourite tip…. I love my leaf tip. For framing flowers, doing lovely seaweed for fish to poke out of, making stylish poinsettias, or just being creative with borders and ruffles, coconut trees, fish fins, butterflys… ahhh the list goes on! Such fun!!!
I love the #12 tip. It makes the perfect sized swirls on my mini cuppies! 🙂
My best tip is 1M which I use for cupcakes
1M tip or any big star tips.
i think my favorite right now is tip 233. i love how it can be used to make grass or even hair and spagetti! pipe it in circles and you got a nest.
My favorite has been 1M because creates beautiful swirls just got a hold of tip # 829 which creates a beautiful swirl as well.
Definitely Wilton 1M…..perfect for decorating cupcakes with a lovely swirl of buttercream!!
My favorite pipping tip is the 1M tip since I use it so much for decorating cupcakes.
I have to say that I love my star tip, I’m not sure of the number because it was the one I inherited from my grandmother.
i loved readin the reasons for everyones favorite tips… my personal favorite would be the 1M bc of the many uses and the beautiful borders it can create my second favorite would be the 2d bc of the drop flowers , so easy and quick
my favorite tip is the Multi-Opening Decorating Tip 234.I like it because it can be used for loads of hair and grass.Its great to use if your doing hair in icing.
I love reading all your helpful hints. We’re never too smart to learn something new!
I love my large star tip.. I use it to frost cupcakes
I “like” the Wilton 352 — they make the best leaves…and look amazing in dark chocolate buttercream icing BUT I absolutely “LOVE” the basketweave tip – they look beautiful on cakes but I only use it to decorate cupcakes to look like pies! love the stand…nic
My favorite tip is the #2,for lots of dots, as well as writing on cookies,I love piping. Winning the holder would really be the icing on the cake. LOL.
I love cake decorating and I surely love everything about Wilton. I will check our Wilton distributor here in the Philippines to check if the pastry bag holder is already available. Thanks for the information
I like my #3 tip, Great for writing, flooding on cakes and cookies, swirly designs, bold polka dots, the list is endless! When I want something finer I can’t go past my #1 🙂 I use my Nana’s old Tala nozzles, very hard to find them here in Aus!
My favorite tip would have to be the star #18. It can make a quick icing job for a family dinner look great. A border along the top and bottom can cover a multitude of sins!
I have to say wiltons 1m it makes my cupcake world:0)
I am in love with my new 1M tip which makes perfect cupcake frosting swirls. I also couldn’t live with my narrowest writing tip – I love the intricate detail I can make with it!
I love the star tip #16. Cover a cake with it and it looks Fantastic!
I use 2 & 4 the most. I do cookies so these let me do the details.
My favorite tip is the “Star” tip because I can do so much with it when it comes to decorating. The star tip is so versatile. Thank you for such a generous give away!
My favorite piping tip is the star tip #18 because is so versatile…i can decorate a cake with been a pro and will look very beautiful.
Star tip #21 yay!
My favorite would also have to be Wilton #3. Outlining cookies, dots, writing, swirls… the possibilities are endless!
Right now I am luvin tip 1M for cupcakes and giant swirls on giant cupcakes!
My favorite decorating tip is a #233 “grass tip”. I love how neat it is at either adding grass or hair or even fur! It can even be used for the middle of flowers. Even though this gets clogged easily (that’s why I have several of them!), it is still my favorite cake decorating tip.
my no 1 tip for writing with.
I think this holder would really come in handy as anytime I am decorating I have at least one of my four kids hanging on me or needing something and I am always looking for an “extra” hand! My fav tip would have to be 104 because you can do so much more than a rose 🙂
I use a tip 2 all the time.
My favorite tip is definitely the basket weave tip. A little patience and you’ve got a beautiful cake. I like to do the sides of the cake perfectly smooth with basket weave on top.
Wow that would be such a helpful tool
I love the 1M and 2D because I love how my cupcakes look with those tips…
I use tip #16 the most for so many different effects.
My favorite tip is the rose cone #104. Roses, ruffles, oh my.
My favorite tip is #3. I use it to outline drawings on my cakes, for writting, and outlining cookies. I would freak out if I misplace it, so I always buy extras just in case…
I would have to say 1M is my fave tip.You can do so much with it.
My favorite tip would be #16. I find so many uses for it. I use it all the time!
I use numbers 1-4 the most. I’d love the bag holder!
My favorite tip is #124 petal tip. I love flowers and I use this tip to make ALL KINDS of different flowers. I make them on cupcakes, and they are always a hit where ever I take them to!
My most favorite piping tip is Wilton#21 – Open star decorating tip. It’s give me the very beautiful and cute stars and borders that I love with each decoration on the cakes and cupcakes.
my fave is a regular star tip becuase there are just so many ways to decorate with it!
I’m loving all of your tip tips! 🙂 keep them coming!
My Wilton icing tip is my favorite. I can quickly ice cakes using it and my turn table.
My favorite would be the #32 because I used it 20 years ago on my wedding cake for a very different looking border and have enjoyed using it for many years since.
My all time favourite : definately the nr 1 tip … cannot do any centres of my flowers without them, sometimes ‘glueing’ sugar-things together or just adding loads and loads of royal icing details to cookies.
I like the 1M but I also love the leaf tip for making pretty flowers and leaves!
If I can only choose one, my favorite tip would be the round one – I don’t care what size. You can make anything with a round tip – flowers, leaves, writing, borders, swags, you name it – the round tip is the winner in my cookbook!
Im not an expert on the tip numbers, but i liked the slanty tip that makes the buttercream roses. That was the first thing i learned to do with frosting. My mom taught me how to make roses.
I like all the grass tip. It makes a cute pattern without requiring much experience with piping.
#1 #3 FAB ones for cookie detailed lines, I also have a safety pin around in case it gets clogged..
Nilda =o)
I would say that my favorite tips is 1M because it very versatile and I love to use it the most when making cupcakes and borders.
Like many others here, I am a big fan of the 1M tip. Before the 1M I was using #32 for icing cupcakes but never again! The 1M makes for such beautiful swirls – and not just for cupcakes, but for whipped cream topping, cake borders, and more! 🙂
My favorite tips are #16,#18 & #21, cuz you can play with them to make variety of desings, that will make your cakes very elegant.
I love the 1M tip for my cupcakes! love the rose look!
I love the #21 star tip. You can do so much with it. It’s awesome!
My favorite is the #789 icer tip- saves lots of time and if i flip the bag and ice w/the jagged edge facing opposite the cake i get a different effect 🙂 oh and i also love the #79 they make such beautiful chrysanthimums
Wilton #3, it let me do all kinds of figures and letters!
I like the 2. Not too big, not too small. You can use it for anything.
would love to have one of this kind. seems very helpful
Hi Louise!
This IS a great tool! My fav tip is probably different than everyone else’s, but I love the ease of tip Wilton #113, which is a large leaf tip. When I don’t have time to make fondant leaves, this does the trick in a jiffy :o)
I decorate more cookies than cakes so my favorite tip is #3. Its perfect for outlining cookies and for decorating the big cookies. If I could only have 1 tip for the rest of my life, it would be the #3. =)
I can’t remember what the exact tip number is, but I like most of the Drop Flower Decorating Tips. Particularly the ones that don’t require a coupler. They make absolutely adorable designs on cupcakes with minimal effort!
The tip I use the most is #18 – it’s so versitile, you do so much with it.
i agree with jess… i just use a drinking glass with a damp paper towel in the bottom so the tip doesn’t dry out!
my favourite tip is probably the #2round for details
I like the Bismark tip for filling, sorry I can’t remember if there is a number for it? 🙂
My favorite is definitely the basket weaving tip. I love how the cakes turn out after you use this tip.
I love my tip leaf tip. I can make leaves, petals, and interesting borders. Love your website……
Personally I like the 1M because it is to versatile and can decorate a cupcake in a snap. Love the idea of the bag holder. Reminds me of how I store my colored pencils so I can see the colors. Thanks for sharing.
My favorite tip is a toss up between #’s 3-6 because I love to do beading work!
I use the smallest tip because I find it easier to make details with, when decorating for instance cupcakes with buttercream, the layer of cream will not be as think, as when you use a bigger tip which I find more delicious.
I love using all of this tips but my favorite one to use the most is the 104 tip for making roses.
I use #3 most often these days for cookies!!
I love the wilton hair and grass tip! I cant remember the number but it makes great boarders as well as cool effects on all sorts of cakes!
I’m probably the only one who’s thinking this but:
doesn’t this look like a money waster? i mean seriously? that’s a wilton product which probably runs about $15 – $20 for something that just takes up counter space while you’re working? I have something very similar to that and I made it! It’s a scrap piece of 1″ styrofoam from Home Depot that I had my landlord drill big holes in it. I rarely use it, because 1) I normally don’t have that many colors out at one time and 2) the aforementioned takes up space.
Just my thoughts…
Wow… Its definitely hard to decide, but I think right now my favorite tip is any rose tip. I’ve been making tons of borders with it lately and seem to not be able to decorate without it!
People seem to be most impressed by the little things on a cake. I love using the tip that makes icing look like grass. I always get rave reviews when I use that tip.
I like one . I buy the next month in Moldes y detalles from Chihuahua Mexico I happy because going study
for Master Wilton Course
I use the 2D Wilton tip all the time for flowers and borders. I also love covering a cupcake with it because they look like hydrangeas, and it’s fast and easy.
I have to agree, 1M is the best! My favorite use for it is to cover the whole cake top with rosette swirls and then add confetti sprinkles.
I love the basket weave tip. It gives interesting results.
I enjoying using tips 1M and 2D. I enjoy decorating my cupcakes with 1M and I love making drop flowers with 2D.
The leaf tip. Its just precious !
My most used tip is 1M. It’s perfect for decorating cakes and cupcakes, of course. It’s also great for filling deviled eggs and filling cream puffs and for filling tartlets and for adding whipped cream to pies and…I could go on and on. I use the 1M tip for so many things, it’s usually found in the dish drainer.
I like using the star tip because it is so easy to use. I don’t need to be a professional baker to come up with a nice decoration.
I know this is kind of lame, but I love tip 3. It is so versatile and I use it more than any other tip! But…I also love the one that does grass as well 🙂
My favorite tip is the grass one, I love to make fields of grass with beautiful flowers.
My favorite is also the 1M tip, the #16 is a close second.
I definitely have to get myself one of those holders… but I might as well wait to see if I am the lucky winner;-)))
My favourite tip is n2 Wilton, as I what I do most is cookie decorating!!!!
By the way I am also hosting a giveaway at my blog …of some cute cookie cutters, in case anyone is interested!!!!
Good luck to all!!
Well now all the usual tips such as the piping or leaf tips are constantly in use. But then there are those days when I get to create whimsical cakes or cupcakes and my favorite piping tip is the grass tip. It has made puppies and the Cookie Monster, easter grass and “hair” and even bumpy roads. For some reason I always reach for it and something new jumps into my head. 8->
For me I would say it is something so simple and easy… I love the grass tip. You can do no wrong with it. It may sound silly. But I think it is so cool. After that I like the leaf too. I love your website!!!!!
Thanks, Mary N
Hi Louise…My favorite tip is 1M, because of the beautiful effects it gives to my cupcakes!!
I love some many tips i cant just choose one. Uhm, i would have to say the grass tip(not sure the number). It makes the best grass.
My favorite it 1M.
Difficult decision…..but my favourite would be the Star Tip 21 for all the beautiful Borders. I must admit….I love the 1M too which I mostly use for cupcakes.
I love the Wilton #12 tip for making bead borders.
I like the star tips, but lately I have been using tip 3 quite a bit. They all have their uses!
I love the 1M star tip! You can make so many different decorations with it. 🙂 Especially the perfect swirls on my cupcakes.
My favorite star tip is # 21 for the great effects on boarders and the 1M for the great swirl on my cupcakes.
I love to use the star tips—16 to 21 and the large 1M for ease and fast decorating. I have at least 3 each of the those so I don’t have to wash and change when alternating colors and bags.
I love the tip 2D to make swirl flowers! They’re so cute. My favorite leaf tip is the 352…comes to a perfect point every time!
I use my #3 a lot, it seems the most versatile when piping details. I do love making royal icing flowers with the tips 101, 103, 104, 59. Tip 21 for great borders. Thanks Louise!
My favorite is the small piping tip. I love to outline my cookies with it before flooding in the center icing as well as using it for small details on cupcakes.
I think the ones I use the most is all the star tips there is so many things you can do with that those and they look great. thank you
I love the tip 12 actually. I love doing the bead and pearl boarder and piping figures with it.
My fav tip would have to be the all the star tips…they are very vesatile and make a variety of different designs …..pretty nifty:)i use them alot ore than any other tip on my cakes and cupcakes.
I love to use the 2A – It makes cupcakes frosting look like a pillowy cloud, and the centers to large roses with ease.
I’m also a big fan of the 1M! Specially for my cupcakes 🙂
I love the boring old 12 tip, a big old dot. I find I can do a bunch with it, and it (almost) always looks elegant.
My favorite is the 1M; it’s quick and gives a nice look to the cupcake.
Any size star tip, I just love them all 🙂
My favorite tip right now is #16 – just because I always turn to it to cover up or fix the one thing that went wrong with my cake 🙂
My fav tip is the 1M~ perfect for cupcake swirls and I also use it to fill them too : )
My favorite is 1M I love the fun things you can do with it.
I really like the Wilton 352, it is a leaf tip. I use it for all leaves it always ends the leaf with a nice point. It can be used for other things to like making sea weed, ferns and tounges.
I love Wilton 1M, it makes a very pretty swirl on cupcakes.
I’m a 1M tip kind of girl… I love, love, love it. Perfect for cupcakes, but I use it for cakes too.
My favorite tip is the small star tip. I love that it can be used to make small flowers or to pipe small stars all over a yummy sugar cookie:)
I love Wulton tip M1 is the best, you can do a variety of things with it 🙂
I don’t have a favorite metal tip but I do have a “suggestion tip”! Fill 2 different piping bags about 1/2 full with two different colors of icing. Then snip the tips of the bags off leaving about a 3/8″ hole in each bag. Place BOTH bags into another piping bag with an adapter in place, & squeeze out BOTH colors together to crate 1/2 & 1/2 colors in one bag. You will be so pleased with the wonderful flowers you can come up with using 2-tone colors! Play with it & you will have lots of fun! I say to start with te 2 bags because that’s the easiest way to refill the 2-tone bag! Just be sure not to fill the 2-tone bag to much or you will squish the 2 colors together 1/2 way up. Just fill it to where there is enough to comfortably hold all the icing in one hand! I use a 12″ bag for the 2 individual colors & a 14″ bag for the combined colors!
My favorite tip is a number 3 tip for writing names and making baby’s breath on cakes next to my roses:)
oh that looks very handy, esp with xmas coming and lots of cookies to ice…. my favourite tip is the grass/fur tip, im sure it has a proper name but i dont know it, i love trying to do the teddy bear like louise and finishing off cupcakes with the grass and adding little bugs/mushrooms, love it!!!!
In my 18 years of being a cake decorator I have truly come to appreciate the Wilton No.6 round tip even more so in this time of the Fondant Icing.I have always adored it’s simplicity and it’s style of decorating difference. It brings out the true elegance on a cake, may it be a kiddie cupcake or a masterpiece wedding cake.:)
i’m just getting started but so far…1M.
I love tip 81. It makes the coolest “cups”. Lily of the Valley are one of my favourite flowers and you can make them so easily with this. And of course 1M has to be a favourite as well.
Very dificult to say which tip I like the most. All of them I use often. I have chosen Tip 3 for favorite. Tip 3 is great for lining my cookies!
My favorite tip would be Wiltons icer tip it makes icing a cake a breeze.
# 16, seems to be the one I use the most for borders.
My favorite is the 789 Cake Icer Tip! It saves so much time and energy getting the icing on the cake evenly!
I love the tip #3. Use it to outline my cookies, before flooding… Easy… Not to big or too small!
#3 wilton 🙂 simpel and easy to decorate with.
I love the #67 leaf making tip.. besides making all sorts of small, curly, straight and wavy leafs, you can make long frond leaves and beautiful flowers. I use it for sunflowers, pointsettias and pointed daisies also. I also use it for making green nests on cupcakes when I put chocolate dipped peeps on them.. yummy!!
I use #5 all the time for writing and small detail.
Tip 233 is amazing! I love the texture it creates for hair and grass, spaghetti and more!
I’ve definitely a beginner, so the easy ones are my favorite!
Wilton #3 – the wonderful borders
M1 – ease in use.
Hmm, well, I’d have to say my size 16 star tip! 🙂 I can do flowers, little deco’s, fill in spaces, decorate whole cakes and so much more with just this one tip! 😀 It’s great!
My fave tip would have to be the smallest star one that I have. Not only does it make awesome swirls but I can write with it as well.
Wilton #3 and M1
Oh boy my favorite tip is hands down the LARGE star. I don’e even know what number it is but I know I love using it to decorate my cupcakes everytime 🙂
I actually love tips 1, 2 and 3 because I do loads of cookies. I can’t seem to do ccokies with just the 2…gota use all 3!
I would have to say that my favorite tip is also the Wilton 1M tip. I can have pretty cupcake swirls with little effort. I also like Wilton tip # 86 for making ruffles.
I like tip no.18 very versatile and if i poke lightly on fondant, it gives a nice pattern ….
I love the 199 tip. I use it for borders, dams, and rosettes. If used slowly, with a lot of pressure, it can even be used with cupcakes.
My favorite tip is drop flower tip 109. It is so easy to create cute little drop flowers. 🙂
I’m chiming in with the basket weave fans…it rocks!!
Yay, I’ve seen these and wanted one!! My favorite tip is 233, the grass tip. It is so versatile and easy to use. I make lots of people and animals so this tip is great for hair and fur.
I love all my tips, I love to make all different kinds of styles and this bag holder is just genial
No. 2 tip would be my favorite because of its versatility. I use it for scroll work, string work, dots, outlining, and writing.
I love my 1M tip. It makes my cupcakes look SO good and they are SOOOO easy to do!
Hello, I love Wilton M1. I use it for high swirls on my cupcakes and also for large shell borders. I’m going to try using it for large rosettes on a cake tonight. Thanks!
The tips I use most are round ones like the Wilton #3 for outlining and detailing cookies, but my favourite would have to be the multi-opening grass/hair tip just because it’s fun!!
My newest favorite tip is the round #7! Big dots, little dots, perfect size for glueing fondant accents on. Oh and I do love the 2110 or 1M for cupcakes! 😀
I love the 1M for the magic it does to cupcakes!
Thanks, Baker’s Nook & CakeJournal!
my favorite and most used tip so far is (probably considered an antique??) a Tala tip 2(made in England)that i use to make lace pieces to decorate the sides of cakes, for writing and especially to outline gingerbread cookies for Christmas. The Tala tips that i have are especially special because i watched my older sister decorate cakes with them when i was a little girl! Now they have been passed down to me! I wonder if anyone else own Tala tips!
My favourite tip is a 1.5 writing tip – this little tip will let me write an inscription, pipe a “snail trail” at the base of a cake to conceal the join. Pipe little dots in random patterns or formal layout. Even little embroidered flowers with simple leaves. Tiny hearts, straight lines, dropped loops, cornelli work …….there must be loads more. 1 tip, 1 cake but so many possibilities.
I like the star tip, any size. It makes fun borders!
My favorite tip is the 1M tip because I use it on all my cupcakes to make a nice swirl. My other favorite tip is the grass/hair tip because I love making the cuddly teddy bear cake and using that tip to make realistic brown fur! 🙂
I think my favorite tip would be Wiltons 223 because it makes doing hair or grass so easy and I decorate alot with different fondant figures so it makes it easy to pipe on hair and get it just the length you want. Thanks for all your insight that you give us.
I would have to say #21 also, you can do just about anything with it!
My favorite is a #3. Love it!
My favorite tip is Wilton 2D. It’s a big tip and makes beautiful looking flowers on top of a cupcake.
Wilton Star tip #22 as makes cupcakes look fancy with no work!
Great idea, and you provide such lovely inspiration!
My favorite tip is the large star. I use it for large borders and for swirling cupcake icing into pretty peaks.
Hi i love using the triple star tip! when im doing a arge cake its very useful!!!
I keep eyeing up that awesome new product, but have been too cheap to indulge. thanks for a chance to win it. My all-time fave tip the Wilton’s 1M, I just love the traditional puffy gorgeous swirls it produces! Thanks L and M for the giveaway!
I’m still a novice in cake decorating but I use specially the #2 to write and draw lines.
My favorite tip is the grass tip. Love making silly Elmo’s and Cookie Monsters, welcome mats, and football fields. My hand kills afterwards, but the effect is so cool!
This is so hard to choose! But my favourite would probably be Wilton star no35 just because of its simplicity and how it can just easily be used for decoration on cute cupcakes! 🙂
for sure the star tip, in any size! it makes any cake beautiful! 🙂
the most used in my kitchen is the #3 & #12…but my fav is 1 of the fancy ruffles…they’re so much fun!
I’d have to agree with some others and say 1M. It seems like it’s my go to tip.
Thank you!
I love the basket weave tip! With this tip you can make any cake look sooo good!
Definitely my 1M tip and for piping – I love my small tips like the 00 to add in the finest details.
I love the star tip because I can pipe Fleur De Lis designs, which is very important because I am from Louisiana and the Fleur de Lis is our Acadian symbol.
I love the curved edge on roses made with my Wilton #97 tip!
It has to be Wilton #104 for me, so versatile for roses, blossoms and ruffles.
I like the star tips. They come in many differenct sizes, and can do just about everything — stars, rosettes, shells, zigzags, and the list goes on.
My favorite tip is #233 I love making “fur” on my bear cakes with it and it also makes great grass!
My fav are the star tips also, #16-21. I use them for shell borders and drop flowers quite often.
I love my star tip no 21 from wilton. It make nice different borders style, from shell shape,reverse shell,rosette, rope style and sometimes use it for big curve on the side of cake. I find that I almost this tip most of the time for my cake decoration.
My favorite is the 1M tip – it makes cupcakes look so fancy with so little work!
My favorite tip is the big star tip – 1M for cupcakes or for pipping 1 or 2!
Difficult to say but…definitely the 1A round decorating tip because I love the large round swirl effect on the cupcakes!
I like the star tips 16 to 21. There are just so many designes you can make with it and in my opinion it makes the cake look elegant.
My favorite tip has to be the basketweave tip!
I like a #3 Wilton – I do a lot of polka dots and writing on my cupcakes…
My favorite tip is the basketweave tip because I can make a cake look fancy quite easily with that tip. Second would have to be the grass/hair tip.
Lately my number one most used is the Wilton #3 for making lines. I use it to outline cookies before flooding. Love it! 🙂
My favorite piping tip would probably be a star tip #18 or #16, they’re so versatile for borders of all kinds, shells, reverse shells, swirls, and my favorite rope border.
i love my 1m, won’t leave home without it!!
My all-round favorite tip? Hm.. I think I like a parchment cone, because I can cut out different shapes to pipe!. But wilton 1m is would be my favorite proper tip, because besides make roses and swirls, I also use it to pop a quick flower on a cuppie, those that I make for ppl who don’t want too much icing.
The basket weave tip! It gives such an interesting result – if you have the patience
The one I use most often is a regular piping tip with a rather large “star”. The tip makes beautiful swirls on my cupcakes, which I then decorate in different styles à la Louise.
my favourite piping tip is wilton M1 coz is very versatile, i use for most of my cuppies deco