White cakes are simple and stunning. There’s no need for dealing with food coloring or worrying about color schemes. During the winter season, white is an easy go-to. Create a winter wonderland cake with only a few tools and ingredients.
-A cake
-White frosting of any flavor
– Clear isomalt sugar
– Optional: white confetti sprinkles
-Optional: white chocolate writing pen
Ice your cake, leaving the frosting on top fairly thick as you will be carving into it.
Use a food processor to break up coconut into smaller pieces. You won’t need too much, so start off with a cup at a time.
Use a spoon or knife to carve out a shape that looks like a snow angel. That includes a long torso, a small oval-shaped head, then the arms and legs.
For the arms and legs, you can use a spoon or even a plastic gloved finger to swoop through the frosting side to side. It should look like a snow angel!
Sprinkle the shredded coconut over the top of the cake. You can also sprinkle on white confetti sprinkles to add some shimmer to the snow. Make sure the top of the cake is thoroughly covered.
Use clean or gloved fingers to press the coconut into the angel portion so as to differentiate it from the rest of the cake. The indents for the angel need to be as obvious as possible.
Set up a baking sheet propped up under a stack of magazines on one side. Line baking sheet with a silpat or aluminum foil. Heat isomalt sugar crystals or nibs on medium low.
Once melted use a silicone spatula to drip the isomalt down the baking sheet to form icicles. Feel free to use the spatula to push the isomalt around if the icicles need more shaping.
Once cooled peel off and press icicles along the side of the cake.
As an option, you can warm white chocolate candy pens in hot water (medium low), and pipe out snowflake designs. Just print out snowflake images found online, place a piece of wax paper over and trace with the candy writer.
You can sprinkle confetti sprinkles on snowflakes before they cool to get a more frozen snow effect.
Adhere snowflakes to side of cake before frosting starts to dry and crusts over. Attach the snowflakes so that they peek out from the back and sides.
A vivid and bright, winter wonderland.
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