I have updated my cupcake book store, as last year had a few new releases on books dedicated to cupcakes like:
Hello cupcake: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make by Alan Richardson and Karen Tack.
Cupcakes: Luscious bakeshop favorites from your home kitchen by Shelly Kaldunski.
Betty Crocker Just Cupcakes: 100 Recipes for the Way You Really Cook (Betty Crocker Books).
Cupcake Magic: Little Cakes with Attitude by Kate Shirazi.
Little Cakes from the Whimsical Bakehouse: Cupcakes, Small Cakes, Muffins, and Other Mini Treats by Kaye Hansen and Liv Hansen.
2009 will also bring new releases of cupcake books, so far from Martha Stewart and Carol Pastor.
So now I have an excuse to extend my bookshelf with more cupcake books. I only have to decide wich one I just can not live without 🙂
You can find all the cupcake books in my book stores: US Cupcake book store
and UK Cupcake book store
Happy Caking
Wao amazing, thanks for sharing this idea with us. My kids love cupcakes. Mostly strawberry flavor with some decoration. Going to implement this. 🙂
well im from mexico, and i was wondering if there a chance to get this book on mexico? or do i have to go to the states? i really need an answer 🙂
I don’t know what type of cake decorating books that are available in Mexico, but some of them can be purchased through Amazon.com
me encanta todo lo relacionado con los cupcake pero soy española y pido información.No se inglés.
vyfi: I think that they are all avalible through amazon.com
sorry, but how can i order the books??
i’m in Indonesia, thanks
I’m so happy to have found your website. I was looking for new cupcake books to add to my ever growing collection – I have a cupcake obsession – and you’ve got so many that I want!
Another great cupcake book has JUST come out. I’ve actually tried two of the cupcakes already…there’s a fabulous one with dark chocolate frosting and raspberry, and there is amazing one with coconut and chocolate combined in a cake dense enough to be a brownie. Mmmm….. And I’ve heard really good things about the Key Lime Cupcake. The book is called 101 Gourmet Cupcakes in 10 Minutes by Wendy Paul. If anyone is interested, you can get the book online, but I don’t know if it’s available in stores yet. http://www.cedarfort.com is the website. Mmmm…cupcakes…
Ladybug Luggage: I start with the ebook first:-)
Eunice: I did not know untill you told me. It really looks interesting.
Becky: Ohh how fun that you know the author and have helped with a class. I would so love that book, there are so many sweet cc’s in that book. I must do some serious book shopping soon.
I have the Hello Cupcake book, and I helped in a class that Karen (the author) taught. The spaghetti and meatball cupcakes were just fantastic…we also made the aquarium, the bugs, the butterfly, the sunflowers, and the dogs…all in only 2 hours. One really unfair thing: Karen is so slim!!! How can you make so many cupcakes and be thin?! No fair 🙂
The cupcake book is delightful, though!!!
these books look fantastic, im always trying to find new ideas thanks :o)
Oh, these books look gorgeous!
I have Cupcakes: Luscious bakeshop favorites from your home kitchen by Shelly Kaldunski and it’s really beautiful.
Very nice cup cakes
Oh, how fun!
Louise dear what do you think of Babycakes’ up and coming book? I can’t wait!
When will you come out with a book?
Thanks for sharing this info! I just love cupcakes…but I’m always afraid of trying something pretty & more difficult…I opt for the old fashioned kind…just cake & icing!!
Thanks for sharing with us all these pretty & yummy cupcakes!!
Wow, so many to choose from! It’s hard to decide 🙂