This is one of the cupcake decorations, that many ask about. It is also one of the gum paste flowers that I always have lots of for later use. The cutter that I have used here, is a Petunia flower cutter. I have it in three sizes and the one used here is the largest of the three cutters that I have. Follow this tutorial and learn how to make gum paste flowers. Use them to adorn your cakes and cupcakes as you can never get too many of these sweet flowers!
Materials Used in Making Gum Paste Flowers

- Petunia flower cutters ( I use the ones from Tinkertech Two: 435, 573 & 599)
- Five-petal silicone veiner
- Cornstarch duster
- Gel paste color
- Lustre dust
- Tylo glue
- Non-stick Board
- Rolling pin
- Painter’s palette
- Soft paint brush for the luster dust
- Small paint brush for the tylo glue
- Gum paste
- Edible sugar pearls (optional)
- Royal icing (optional)
- Non-pareils (optional)

Step 1
The color you gum paste with the gel paste color. Roll out your gum paste to 2mm thickness and cut out the flowers. Cut out 5 flowers at a time.

Step 2
Dust the silicone veiner with cornstarch. Place the cut-out flower in the veiner and place the pointed veiner part on top.

Step 3
Give the veiner a light push with the palm of your hand. Open the veiner and carefully take out the flower. Place the flower in a painter’s palette and let it dry completely. Continue with the rest of the flowers.
Note: Remember to dust the silicone veiner with cornstarch when required.

Step 4
When the flowers are dry, take a soft brush and brush off any cornstarch on the flowers. Then take a soft paintbrush and lightly brush the flower with luster dust from the center and out.

Step 5
If you like, you can glue a little edible sugar pearl in the center of the flower. Let it dry and you will now have a pretty decoration for your cake or cupcake.

Step 6
This is just an example of what you also can use for the center of the flowers: A sprinkle of nonpareils or small dots of royal icing.
Please visit my tutorial section if you want to learn how to make other gum paste flowers and decorations.
Happy Caking!
I want to make flowers from molds but I want them to taste good does gum paste taste good?
what is the name of this particular flower..
Hello Louise, could you tell me if the veiner mold can be used to shape all of the three Petunia cutters or only the largest flower?
It can be used for all three sizes. The largest flower may be a little to big but it still makes a nice flower for decoration.
Hi Louise,
I was shopping on the GSA site and found this petunia cutter: https://www.globalsugarart.com/product.php?id=25664&name=Petunia-C%20by%20Framar%20Cutters
it says it is approximately 1-3/4 inches – is that the correct size if I wanted to have one flower only per cupcake? (exactly like your photo w/ some pearls). I tried the other links but the Tinkertech set was sold out (even individually) 🙁
They have 3 different sets available too, but one set doesn’t list all 3 sizes and they even have a different type of shape!
I already bought the mold you suggested.
Thanks for your help!
I had a look at the GSA site and I think that you should go with this set https://www.globalsugarart.com/product.php?id=25593&name=Petunia%20by%20Framar%20Cutters Without being 100% sure I think that Tinker Tech have changed name to Framar Cutters. As they look as the ones that I have. The cutter that I use for the single flower on the photo is just a little over 1 1/2″ wide. The cut out flower is slightly bigger than the mold/veiner.
I have made flowers from premade fondant bought in tescos. However even after keeping the base for my roses in the fridge for over 24 hours they are still wet and sticky and are even sliding down the skewer that I’ve got them on. what am I doing wrong?
When making flowers you need to add a little tylo powder to your fondant (find it at your local cake decorating store) this will help the fondant to dry and harden to hold it’s shape. Do not store your flowers in the fridge as this will make them soft and sticky.
i like it but i larn how to make flowers thanks for open yor wab site
Where did you get the veiner from? I looked everwhere and can’t find one.
You can get it from here: https://www.sunflower-sugarart.co.uk/Products/Double_Sided_Silicon_Veiners/SV-005/Double_Blossom_with_Cutter_
Hi Louise,
I love these flowers and am hoping to attempt some for my wedding cakes next month. I was just wondering how much gumpaste I would need per flower? I’m wanting to make around 200 flowers but not sure if that would be very expensive or not!
Many Thanks
I think that you should be able to make 200 flowers out of a package of fondant. Remember that you can use all the scraps. It’s such a sweet and simple flower to make 🙂
Hi Louise,
Love all your creations, especially your color combination. I am also a person who loves lighter shades. Unfortunately I couldn’t find Petunia flower cutters 435, 573 & 599 and Five petal silicone veiner. I tried globalsugarart.com but didnt find the particular one u suggested. Can you recommend any sites where I can buy the flower cutters.
I just checked the GSA site, and it seems like they don’t stock the Tinker tech cutters? I do not know the sizes of these petunia cutters here https://www.globalsugarart.com/product.php?id=19028&name=Petunia%20Set%20(SV-008)%20by%20Sunflower%20Sugar%20Art but if you read the review the person did use a 5 petal veiner with some of the cutters. I also found Petunia cutters here https://search.store.yahoo.net/yhst-21459497004217/cgi-bin/nsearch?query=petunia&searchsubmit=Go&vwcatalog=yhst-21459497004217&.autodone=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ahcakedesign.com%2Findex.html
Hope this helps 🙂
Where do you purchase the 5 petal silicone veiners?
you can order the petunia cutter w/veinr at Global Sugar Art….they do have them!
Are there any instructions for making a lotus flower from fondant or gum paste?
No, sorry!
I read your posting and was jeluaos
Love this! What size the the sugar pearls pictured in the top image?
I dont know really, but they are quite small.
where can i buy petunia cutters and veiners? tnx
Where are you? Makes it easier for me, to maybe find one who sell’s them.
I live in Canada. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long it takes to ship the petunia veiners from design a cake? OR if I could get somewhere else?!
You can get them from these two Canadian shops https://www.creativecutters.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=44
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Kaitlyn (unregistered) wrote, in response to CakeJournal:
I live in Canada. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long it takes to ship the petunia veiners from design a cake? OR if I could get somewhere else?!
Link to comment
IP address:
From here:
You can ge tit from here:
I know 🙂 It just so that I give you the right link, to the right store. Does it need to be in the US or ??
where can you find the silicone veiner and the petunia flower cutters?
Well, it depends on where you live…..;-)
can you use the hydrangea veineer set for petunia and five petal blossom.?please advice
No, I dont think so. I have both types of veiners and they are my faves.
can i use flower paste with letter cutters
Yes, no problem.
Such simple and elegant flowers!
What do you use to stick the flowers to the fondant on the cake?
Royal icing or Tylo (cmc) glue
Hi Louise,
Thanks for sharing the idea of how to make this flower.
i love all your projects so pretty ,i used some florist sugarpaste by squires the one you use for rose and flower making, thats what it is called in the uk, and have made a few butterflies in pink differant sizes, was that the correct stuff to make them out of ? i would like to paint them but dont know what to use? do i have to paint something on the butterflys to stop them going soft when i put them in the buttercream.
many thanks joanne uk
Joanne: You can use the SK florist paste too. If you would like to paint, you can do it with dry food powders or mix the powders with drops of clear alcohol. The alcohol will evaporate quick so the “liquid” will not soften the paste. If your decorations have dried long (1 week or more) it will take some time before they go soft in the BC. I like to use plain sugar paste (rolled fondant) kneaded with small amounts of tylo powder. This will also help to make strong decorations but if going on BC they will take some of the moisture and get a little soft but still hold the shape. It’s close to be the same as florist paste because they both have a “gum agent” Use 300 gr. Of sugar paste to 1-2 tsp of tylo powder. Color the paste first, then add the tylo powder.
Had to update – got my cutter and veiner today and I LOVE them!! They are so adorable. I cannot wait to see what they look like on the cupcakes in a couple weeks 🙂
Thank you so much for this, I just ordered a veiner and cutter. I am making cupcakes for my daughter’s birthday party (with butterflies too!) and they will be perfect!
These are absolutely fabulous-thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful ideas. I am curious if you have a source for the veiner? Any suggestion you might have would be greatly appreciated!
excellent designs
Where can I purchase a Five petal silicone veiner
My gum paste is made with GT, Glucose and Lime juice. The dough was very soft and rubbery but my prob is after cutting them in shape it starts melting.. Pls help…
I am looking for a recipe to make cake flowers that look like satin flowers (or ribbon). Can you help?
Thanks Louise. Will do. I’ve tried to make some and they one of the trickest flowers to make so far, because each petal has to be wired! and if you don’t get them in the right shape straight away, then they don’t tend to work into the flower!!!
Oh well, I’ll keep at it.
Thanks again,
awesome work…thank u louise ans]d suma (from india) as i am also from india and reading your comments and louis e replys have helped me a great deal..thank u once again
Claire: Take a look at this made by a friend of mine: https://www.sifbeth.dk/poppytut.html
Make sure that you check out the other tutorials as well.
Hi, I know i might be on the wrong section, not sure where to leave my question.
i’ve been asked to make some gumpaste poppies and I was wondering how to attach the stamens to the flower, any advice?
Many thanks
Jessica: You can get it from here (look under double sided silicone veiners) https://www.sunflower-sugarart.co.uk/main.php It comes with a 5 petal cutter.
Hi Louise,
Just wanted to say I LOVE your work, you are a very talented lady. Unfortunately I cannot find the veiner in the UK. Do you have any idea where I can get one as I really want to be able to make these flowers?
Thanks so much!
Kelli: You can eat gum paste only I would not because it dries hard (I never eat the decorations). It can be confusing with all the different terms for the materials and so. But most knows GP so that is why I use that for my tutorials. If you dont want to use GP, You can just use rolled fondant kneaded with tylo powder or just plain rolled fondant, no problems eating it.. Just make sure that the decoration allows to dry and firm. I hope this was any help 🙂
Hi Louise,
Thanks so much for this tutorial. Warning: NEWBIE here! 🙂 I am making some cup cakes for a wedding and wanted to add your lovely flowers. A couple of questions. First, you mention using gum paste and that it tasted fine. I have read other places that gum paste is not intended to be eaten? Do you have a recipe that tastes good and is consumable as I do not want guests to have to remove the flower before eating.
Thank you so much!
i simply want to thank you 4 being kind enough to teach us this beautiful craft. Thank u and God bless
Betina: You can get the veiner + cutters from Specialkøbmanden 🙂
You show 3 different cutters and a veiner. I have tried to find it on the Internet without look. Can you tell me where I can buy the cutters and veiner?
This is awesome and I will use it Thanks
Hi, I received my mold and cutter in the mail and made some of these type of flowers yesterday in cornflower blue. Thanks for the idea!
Hi Louise
Thanks for the advice, I will try the Tylo, love your effect.
As to your comment about your nozzle for the fur clogging up, this may telling you something you have already tried. But between uses, put it on a sponge damp with water, that prevents the clogging between uses, even if it is just for a couple of minutes. You can also use it to whipe the nozzle on between uses. Cleanliness being next to godliness on this one I am afraid. But I love your bunnies, they are just so sweet.
suma: You add it before you shape it and before coloring the fondant. Poured fondant is eiter made from scratch or from a ready made product like in liquid or powdered form. You can with some (not all works) use the regular rolled fondant. I like the ready made version the best.
Karin: I have not made a Hydrangea tutorial. But I got the cutter together with the veiner from here: https://www.globalsugarart.com/product.php?id=19020&name=Hydrangea%20Blossom%20Set%20(SV-020)%20by%20Sunflower%20Sugar%20Art
In the beginning I did use a mix of sugar paste & flower paste when making these. I still use that combo for other types of flowers. But I also just like to use plain sugarpaste with a little tylo powder mixed in. Maybe you have better luck with it this way?
Hi Louise
Love your web-site, thanks for all the advice. I have 2 questions, in the past you had a reference to a 4 leaf flower (Hydranga) cutter, where did you get that from? I don’t seem to find your tutorial on this one any more.
And secondly, why do you use a mix of sugarpaste and flower paste with the veiner? Do you get more of an impression from the veiner? I have been using just flower paste and found that the veining effect was not as pronounced as in yours.
Thanks for your advice.
Hi Louise! Thanks for the reply! Would like to know if the CMC has to be added to the rolled fondant directly, before I shape it? And when u say ‘poured fondant’ is it the regular rolled fondant heated? Please let me know. Appreciate your taking time to reply to all the queries here. You are very, very generous with your knowledge!!
beldandy: You can get the silicone veiner from here:
Melinda: You can use it with fondant also. You may just need it to dry for a little bit longer.
Suri: No marzipan is too soft, but you can try?
Lidia: https://www.sunflower-sugarart.co.uk/eGallery/details.php?image_id=46 You can get the Petunia cutters from here: https://www.design-a-cake.co.uk/ look under TinkerTech Two.
ConnieT: BC & fondant
suma: Yes CMC is the “same” so just use that. I just add it sparingly to the fondant. You can feel the fondant “thicken” dont add to much. It will harden over time.
You should go by the expiration date on the packets. If it is opened store it well in a plastic bag and then in a airthight container.
Louise!!This is awesome!!! I could not find Tylo powder here in India. Is it OK to use CMC(sodium carboxymethyl cellulose) or is it the same thing?? Please let me know. And the proportion to the fondant for a small quantity.
Also, I have some packets of Wilton fondant. How long will it keep opened and unopened? Should I store it in the fridge? Its very precious for me as we don’t get it easily here. Help!!
I really enjoy reading your website and admire your work. Absolutely beautiful! I plan on searching for a petunia cutter and veiner to try my hand at making flowers as gorgeous as yours!
Hi Louies,
What is covering the cupcake buttercream or fondant?
Hello, I wanted to tell you that you are very good and I will follow you forever … I want to know where are these silicone molds to shape of the flower … I have here with me … I find it difficult to give some potrsti website addresses, I live in Italy (Potenza-Basilicata) and sometimes it’s hard to find these things … you help me?
thank you very much
would these flowers work with marzipan or is it too soft
Hi Louise,
Thank you for all the great tips and tutorials! I have ordered a veiner and am patiently waiting, can’t wait to use it! 🙂
Simply gorgeous flowers! Thanks so much for taking the time to create these tutorials- they are very much appreciated. 🙂
would this work if I used Fondant?
I really love your blog and tutorials.
TQ louise…
where can i get the silicone veiner?
Oooo ~ I really like the flowers!!! 😀
By the way Louise, how many pages does your beautiful book have?
Awesome tutorial Louise thank you, you’re tha’ best!!! 🙂
Shannon: Crystal colors are so brilliant to work with 🙂
I just made these flowers yesterday and plan to put them on cupcakes just like you did, for my daughter’s 2nd birthday. I used the Crystal Colors powder in pink and pale yellow and they turned out SO cute! I just hope my italian buttercream turns out and that my swirls look as nice as yours do! It’ll be my first attempt at all of it! Thanks for the fun ideas!
Louise, just a quick thank you for the info on how to make these flowers, I have only just discovered your site and its brilliant, keep up the great work!
Jennifer: No if you use gum paste then leave out the CMC.
Hello, when using gumpaste, would I still need the CMC powder being that gum paste generally hardens itself?
Thank you Louise for such a wonderful website and tutorial!! My flowers are “drying” as I write this, so hopefully they will turn out ok. It is the first time I have used my cutters and veiner, and they were so cute I just wanted to keep making more! I am now hoping my sister gets engaged soon so that I can make the heart shaped cake you have a lovely photo of. Thank you so much!!
Hi Louise, i would like to thank you for the inspirations and ideas you share here. I love your site its very helpful especially for the beginners like me.
claudia: I make these up to several weeks before use. I always have some stock.
Really great job louise and thanks a lot for posting all of your great work
how far ahead can you make these flowers?
tanya: how do you store the tulips? You need to let sugar flowers dry at room temp and not in a closed box. I dry mine in my display cabinet.
Ive made sugar tulips and they’ve been drying for a week and they still want dry out is it because of the cold weather?
Hi Louise. Your tutorials are so helpful. THANK YOU very much! Keep it coming. 🙂
Hi Louise – thank you very much for your helpful reply. I maybe have not been letting the flowers dry for long enough. I’ll keep on with the Tylo powder. Best wishes
Jan: Whenever I make flowers for different decoration I always use tylo. Its hard to say how much Tylo I add its a feeling with the fondant. After the flowers have been made I let them dry for a few days. You can still eat them and sometimes they get a little softer. Its only with gumpaste roses those I would never eat.
Hi…your cakes are fantastic, you are so so talented. I bought your ebook a while back and it is excellent. I tried making these flowers to add to my cupcakes and though they looked pretty good when I put them on the buttercream – the next day they had kind of melted. Maybe I didn’t put enough tylo powder in…would it be OK to put a bit more in and they would still be edible or did I maybe do something else wrong. Thanks for your help.
Stephanie: Try search Google for sugar paste or rolled fondant and you will find many recipes for it.
Karen (UK): 🙂 you wont regreat it im sure 🙂
Ann: Cool 😀
pebbles: You can find different links to suppliers of cutter & veiner in the post
are the flower for sale i would like to know where i can buy them
I just bought this veiner and cutter from Ebay..can’t wait to try it!!
Your work is gorgeous!! Thank you for being so kind as to share your tips and ideas with all of us.
Hi Louise, thanks so much for your reply. I guess I’ll have to do some experimenting and see how moist the cakes come out if I reduce the oil quantities, or maybe do half oil half butter?
The cake case sites you’ve posted are really useful, especially the ebay one.
You have sold me, I’m going to purchase the veiner this weekend! You are a star. Thank you!
Patricia & Karen (UK): I find that many of the American recipes contain too much butter. So I always cut down the butter ratio a bit. I always bake my cupcakes in either paper or foil (not the wiltons ones) in a muffin pan.
Butter cake recipes tend to grease the paper case a lot! If you are baking chocolate CC’s then why not bake in brown paper cases?? https://acupcakery.com/chocolate-brown-cupcake-liners1.html
Karen do you know this site? https://stores.ebay.co.uk/Cakey-Makey_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZQ2d33QQftidZ2QQtZkm They also have a webshop: https://www.cakeymakey.co.uk/
About the petunia, I get the best result if I just roll the sugarpaste out 1-2mm, cut out and then place it in the veiner and press. Trust me, this is the tool you just can’t live without!!!
I have a REAL newbie question here! lol Where can I find the recipe for sugar paste?
I can’t wait to give this a try!
Hi Louise, I love your site.
I have the same problem as Patricia. I find with my American recipes, which contain oil rather than butter/marg, the grease bleeds out of the case and also badly marks the cake box. I have only used the silver cases with a butter recipe so far, and they came out well shaped in my muffin pan (I didn’t use a cookie sheet). I will try and use them with an ‘oil’ recipe next time to see if they have the same grease problem and report back. Have you experienced this?
A quick question about the petunia flowers – do you have to thin the petals at all before placing in the mold or does it do it for you? I cannot decide whether to invest in the veiner or not! Many thanks.
Hello Louise,
When you make your cupcakes do you prefere the paper liners of the foil liners, have been experimenting with both for my daughters wedding, if I use white paper, the chocolate shows through and also the grease comes through, when I use foil and bake them on a cookie sheet like it says on the foil liner package they are not so perfectly shaped, what would you advise.
thanks so much
Clara: If you use regular rolled fondant (remember that some brands taste better than others, try and go for Satin Ice) I dont think it would harm to eat gumpast. This just get very hard quickly because it shall hold the shape.
I have made many flowers like in the post and all with tylose powder and yes they dry “hard” but after being on a cake/frosting it goes a little soft. I have not had problems eating it even though is was made weeks agoe. Just use a 1/4 to 1/2 tsp tylose to about 3 oz of fondant dont know what that is in pounds?
You can make them up to 1 month ahead of time. A good thing is to dry them over night in the small palettes and then pack them in a air
thight container.
Have fun with the project 🙂
Hi Louise,
I love your site and it has inspired me to make my very own sugar flower cupcakes for my wedding! I would like to make the flowers ahead of time, but I was wondering if the tylose used made them inedible? I’ve read that gumpaste isn’t really intended to be eaten, so I’m a bit confused! Any help would be very much appreciated!!!
Leah in miami: If you click on the “pink” links in this post. Then it will take you straight to where you can buy this flower petal veiner and take you to another post with more links to different places to buy 5-petal blossom & Petunia cutters.
So far I have only showed how this flower veiner is used because it is my favourite piece of tool in my tool box:-)
Thank you for all the sweet words.
Hi Loise,
My sister discovered your website and all my sisters (and we are 8 girls in the fam) love baking! You are extremely talented and make beautiful creations. I googled flower veiners and can’t find them anywhere in america. Only veiners with leaves shaped. I bought the flower tool set but have no clue how to go about using it. I am great with my hands but wish someone could explain how to use it. If you know anyplace to purchase flower veiners or how this tool set is used and can explain on your blog would greatly appreciate! You are incrediable!!!!!!!!!
Patricia: for frosting cc I use a large 14″ or 16″ and I have one only for buttercreams.
Hello Louise,
I am new to this cake/cupcake decorating, I am making cupcakes for my daughters wedding, I am using your cupcakes with the sugar flowers idea, I have been using the triangles for making the bags but I need a larger bag as the triangle only frosts about 3-4 cupcakes at a time, I went on the site of sugarcraft and they have differant bags available, do you prefere one over the other, also do you prefere a certain size? Any help would be appreciated
Thanking you in advance
Malena del Gallego: I like to use a 50:50 mix of fondant & gumpaste or just kneading in a bit of Tylose/gumtex powder to my fondant. If I was making only sugar flowers like to use in a flower spray I would only use gumpaste because it is more flexible when making wired flowers.
But for roses, and smaller flowers not wired I just use fondant with gumtex.
Dear Louise
I am new to the craft of creating sugar flowers. Have been reading on how to make them and notice there is a wide range of pastes to use. Can you please let me know which is the best recipe for them,ie. sugar paste, gum paste, a 50:50 mix of fondant/gum paste? I really don’t know which to use and of what purpose are all of them? Your help would be much appreciated as I have been asked to make the flowers of a wedding cake which is a couple of months.
Many thanks
Malena del Gallego
Katie: its the same veiner for both flowers and its just regular bc for icing.
Louise, you have two different sized flowers on the cupcake – did you use the same veiner for both?
Also, what kind of icing did you use for your photo? It looks delicious!!
Kristy: Mix/knead in half a tsp of Tylo powder (gumtex) to your fondant. It will help the fondant dry “harder” and your decoration wont go soft that easy.
natalie: i dont have that problem and I always dries mine in that palette shown on the photo. How much gumtex do you use?
Hi Louise,
I’m having trouble making these flowers with fondant. I added a little gumtex to it to make it harden but i’m having a hard time having them keep there shape. Any suggestions? I’ve followed your instructions, but when i put them in the palette they just sort of flatten out….
please help!!
thank you!!
I love to look at your work ! Your creations are so beautiful!
I have a question regarding the flowers pictured above on the cupcakes.
The problem that I run into is when I put fondant/gum paste decorations on iced cupcakes, the decoration softens ( and flatens) from the moisture in the icing…( no matter how long I let the decorations dry)…any suggestions?
Gracias por toda la información que ponen y que tanto nos ayuda en el trabajo que hacemos.
Soy una enamorada de la decoración y cada día aprendo con Uds.
Un Abrazo para todos Uds en este nuevo año
Maz: Im sure your cake will turn out beautiful.
Paula: There are links to the cutters if you look under “This is what I use”
I just love that 5-petal flower!! Could you please tell me where or how I can get at least one of these cutters!!! I’m doing cupcakes for my niece’s 15th. birthday and these flowers are super perfect!!!
Wow, looking for ideas to make a special birthay cake for my mum i stumbled on your blog and looked through some of your other pics too – amazing!
I’m inspired to attempt a version of the petunia flower cake and if my efforts turn out even a fraction as good i’ll be delighted!
You have a real talent, thank you so much for sharing 🙂
rochelle Phelps: Im glad to hear that the flowers were a hit 😀
Thank you for the lovley flowers idea, i just got my first wedding cake order and made your flowers and they were a huge hit, thank you
Nourah: Try start out with ready made rolled fondant or gum paste. Or try out the MMF recipe (look under tutorials)
hi louise 🙂
i wanna know how to make the fondant paste because i tried some recipies & they didn’t work 🙁
all the mextures became like a a syrup not a PASTE like yours 🙁
i’m dying to make a fondant flowers like yours ,
could u help me plzzz ?
Sweet Sisters: yes any 5 petal can be used. Only the biggers sizes can be trouble. You could just frill them with a bone tool and let them dry in a apple tray.
Hi Louise,
I wish I can have 5% of your talent. I’m very new in this and I do not have much equipment and tools in hand. Can I use any 5 petal cutter (ex: rose cutter) for this? I’m from S’pore and it’s difficult to get any flower mold here. Any alternative we could use?
Goodbaker: Your welcome. they are so easy to make. This is my favourite of all times.
Thank you!Thank you! This looks so easy to do I can’t wait to try it out on my next cake for this weekend.
Wendy: well around 4oz and 1/2 a tsp tylo. I dont meassure i just add it a little at a time.
Could you provide how much tylo glue to be used for kneading into the sugarpaste? Are there any ratios?
lauren: At what stage are you having problems?
i still do not understand how to make them
laura: your welcome 🙂
Thanks so much for your clear instructions and your mails.
Люблю посты в таком духе! Большое спасибо 🙂
Bev: I use the 23mm & 30mm most when I use the silicone veiner. But sometimes I also use bigger ones.
Hi Louise:
As there are several sizes of the Tinkertech petunia cutters, would you please share what size you use to make your sugar flower? Thanks.
Alicegop: 😀
THANK YOU! These are fantastic. You are so kind to share!
Tracy: Thank you for the note. I am sure many of the readers will find this helpful.
Debbie: I use the 23mm & 30mm petunia.
Beautiful cupcake. Would you please tell me what size petunia cutter you used to make the lovely flowers?
Hi, I think you asked somewhere if any one else had any info about suppliers for the tinkertech cutters in the U.S. . A & H cake design (ahcakedesign.com) carries the whole tinkertech catalogue. Heidi, at that store, has been a very nice person with whom to work.
thank you for your information….
ipoet: you can get it from Decorate The Cake: https://www.decoratethecake.com/store/WsDefault.asp?One=135
where i can get the veiner like that?…
Can you do a tutorial on sugar modeling figures?
Hi Modog You tube do video’s on model making. I’ve just started doing cake topper’s. Every cake is different and new to me. I’m just a beginner and I almost take a panic attack every time I’ve to start a topper. If you have an email address i’ll send you a few pics of my work. Any questions you need answering I’d only be too happy to answer.
Tracy: I am so glad that it worked for you.
Happy cupcaking
Hi, I can’t seem to find where on the website you told me that you used a 1M for the swirl on the cupcake, but I tried it and I am so pleased. I think I was using a MUCH too small star tip. Thanks for improving my cupcakes from 3,000 miles away! Tracy
Jen: I am glad that you found the way to my site:-) Yes PF is very sweet but I myself like it with a plain vanilla cupcake.
I found your site yesterday and I can’t stop looking at it! Your work is absolutely amazing. So talented. I tried the PF on cupcakes and they didn’t turn out the greatest but I think I put too much batter in the cup. They didn’t make a pretty mound, more like a little mushroom! The icing is horribly sweet though. Is it normally like that?
Anyway, keep up the fantastic work! You are an inspiration!
sugarpink: Yes you can use gumpaste aswell.
i got one question, can i use gum paste to make the flower?
you r very kind for sharing the tips. . .
lisa: Yes you can. But it would be good to knead in some hardener so they will hold the shape.
Can you use the MMF to make these lovely flowers?
Wow, I just found your cake journal, and I’m so impressed. Thanks for the eay to use instructions
Try look here: https://cakejournal.com/2007/05/my-favorite-flower-cutters-and-veining.html There is a link to Global sugar art. I use mostly small 5-petal and the Petunia cutters with that veiner.
I think that you can find the “Painters palette” in a craft store.
Hello again Louise, where did you find flower cutters?
Hi Louise,
Where can I find the flower veiner and the small palette? Thanks.
Hi evayanti,
When I make the flowers I always let them dry throughly and then I simply store them in an air-tight container. I have used some there was 4 month old and they’d still tasted fine.
Thank you for sharing. 🙂 This is really helpful.
I’m new to this art ;). How long can we keep the flower sugar? Do we keep in an air-tight container and refrigerate it?
Thanks in advance…:)
Where do you buy the veiner?
Hmm thank you for beeing clever there;o) I simply just forgot to write about how I use it. But I have now edit the post. So pease look again.
what do you use the tylo powder for?
What do you use the tylo powder for?
Thanks so much for your clear instructions to make these pretty flowers.