I have received many requests on how I made the large pink gum paste roses on the Cath Kidston cake. The secret behind them is not me, but a fantastic cake designer named Fran McGregor. She have made the most wonderful rose tutorial.
The way she guides you through the process is very clear and easy to understand. In the video is also listed all the equipment’s to make the rose, including the recipe for her fantastic modelling paste.
Click here to find directions on how to see the video tutorial on Youtube.
Good to know tips!
1. To make sure that the Styrofoam egg will fit the JEM easy rose cutter. Bring along your cutter, so that you are buying the right size of styrofoam egg. Well at least with the two largest easy rose cutters 100mm and 110mm. For smaller roses use smaller easy rose cutters, rose petal cutters and make the cone out of gum paste instead.
2. A block of styrofoam is great to place the wired rose cones in the start of the process. Later the roses need to hang upside down to dry through the process so make sure that you have either a broomstick or anything similar ready before you start on the roses.
3. The thin piece of foam that is used in the video is a great “helping hand” when attaching the rose petals.
4. I use the rose petal cutter set from TinkerTech Two wich is really nice and don’t forget to use the tylo glue.
If you prefer pictures instead of video you can take a look at my tutorial on how to make a sugar rose.
You can also visit my tutorial section if you want to learn how to make other gum paste flowers and decorations.
If you want to see more fantastic roses and cakes please visit Fran’s own website it is such a beautiful sight.
Happy Caking!
gihan jangi
thanks Louise, i just want to tell you that everything went fine, i decorated the cake with flowers in the last day and everything went perfect 😉 thanks for your advice <3, gigi
Great Gigi!!!
SOS Louise! i need your advice concerning gum paste flowers! can i decorate the cake 2 days in advance with gum paste flowers and put it in the fridge before giving it to the customer? as i do not want to decorate it in the last minute???? will the flowers spoil or get soft? its my first 3 tiers engagement cake and i want it to be in its best decoration, thanks in advance xoxox Gigi
If the gum paste flowers are very dry, you should be able to so it. But I would say that 1 day in advance is the best if you can’t wait until the day of delevery. They flowers may get a little soft in the edge but I have not experienced that they were melting.
SOS Louise! i need your advice concerning gum paste flowers! can i decorate the cake 2 days in advance with gum paste flowers and put it in the fridge before giving it to the customer? as i do not want to decorate it in the last minute???? will the flowers spoil or get soft? its my first 3 tiers engagement cake and i want it to be in its best decoration, thanks in advance xoxox
definitely got to try making this, looks so yummy 🙂
Yes, CakeJournal is on FB https://www.facebook.com/pages/CakeJournalcom/291114223396
I use the same gum paste recipe as shown in this video https://cakejournal.com/archives/gum-paste-rose-tutorial-on-youtube
so cute to stopped by here :))) i love your page soooo much
Vasuki Thiru
wow…. it’s more interested.. Thank you so much for helping us..Mrs.V.Thiru
Okm Myint
How to make butter cream roses?
There are videos on YouTube on how you make butter cream roses Try and make a search.
You could try your local hobby craft store.
Karen Jones
Hello again, Louise! I have had such good results working with Fran’s recipe for modeling paste that it is now my go to recipe for roses or figures including my “Kerry Bear”. Thank you, Louise and Fran for sharing! Have a great day, everyone!
Fran’s tutorial is now available on Youtube.com at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYkPhb-_gDg
Rachel Walker
Hi – apparently Fran’s video has been corrupted now, so it isn’t viewable anymore. There’s a note posted on the link at the bottom to explain. I totally look forward to seeing your new rose tutorial. I keep experimenting with roes – but am not yet happy with the results!
hi, thanks a lot for your great tutorials. it’s been really helpful since i started trying out gum paste flowers. i made my first successful roses by looking at your site!
recently i was asked to make a small wedding cake for a friend, and i was wondering if wired gum paste flowers are edible like the non-wired version, or whether the wires are considered a hazard in petals and deemed to contaminate the cake if pushed into it? I would be so grateful if you could clarify if wired gum paste flowers are normally considered edible by professional bakers for their clients.. many thanks =)
Unfortunately Fran’s rose tutorial video doesn’t seem to be loaded on the web anymore – too bad!
Such beautiful, amazing roses!!! I really wish I could access the video also. 😛
Isabelle: These roses had wires pushed into a peice of extra fondant ball on the top tier. You can see it on the photo.
Wow! Absolutely amazing roses… and great tutorial. Can I just ask how you attached these roses to your cake? Thanx x
Rachel Walker: Im sorry but I dont know what is wrong. I am however working on updating my own rose tutorial and hopefully they will look just as good. There have been a lot, who could not get access to the video.
Rachel Walker
🙁 can’t get the video to work at all. Tried clicking on fran’s flickr link several times, but I just get ‘internet explorer cannot display the webpage’. Would very much like to watch, so if anyone has any suggestions would be much appreciated. x
Cindy Vickers: mine are about 30x35mm (if you can get them a bit smaller would be good. Because mine are a bit too big for the JEM cutters. You can also try and look for “celbuds” from Cel Cakes.
Laverne: It is a very long video, so maybe this could be the problem?
I love these roses but for some reason can’t pull up the video – my computer downloads it but when I try to play with Quicktime it tells me “This is not a video file”. Any suggestions?? LOVE your site! Thanks for all the great tips!
Cindy Vickers
What size styrofoam cone did you use? I see they have many different sizes and want to make sure I get the right one.
Ace of CAKES!
I found it! I made them for my daughters birthday cake!
Alejandra Palafox: Please read through the post again. When you come to the “Here” link, click and it will take you over to a flickr site. Now you have to scroll down the page, looking for comments from franjmc. In one of her comments is the rose tutorial video.
Alejandra Palafox
These roses are so beautiful, unfortunantly I can’t find the tutorial. If you could please, please help me find it. I would love to learn how to make such magnificent flowers.
Ana: You need to click on the “Here” link, because the video is on flickr.
I just tried going into Fran website and view the tutorial on the rose, but it cannot be found. Is there another site that has the rose tutorial
Linda Kurie
WOW! As if they are fresh roses…
Instead of styro foam, try a Hershey Kiss! As for fondant, I actually love the taste!
Carmen: Flickr is working again 🙂
Carmen: I think that the whole flickr is down at the moment, because I cant access via the main page. So you have to wait a bit. The rose tutorial is only on that flickr page.
Beautiful! But the flicker link is not working. Is there another website that the tutorial can be found on? If you would be so kind, please e-mail me.
those are so great thanks so much I’ll try to make them
Louise,thank you. I will try that
Rena: There is a video (not mine) but you will have to click on the link in the post (read down 8 lines to the pink link “here” click on that and it will take to flickr/photos of large yellow roses. Here you have to scroll down and look for comments by(franjmc) and in one of her comments is the link to her rose tutorial.
Im sorry its like treasure hunting getting to the actual rose tutorial, but the video is to big to upload here on CJ which she gave permission to in the first place. So this is the only way.
HI….I have just found this website today. Beautiful roses. You talk about a video. Is there a video somewhere that explains how to create these roses? I found the tutorial is that all?
Thank you,
Llsa: I make my gum paste as noticed in the rose tutorial video. I have not had any luck making it from scratch. You can mix some tylo powder/gumtex to your normal fondant for a quicker version. Try search for gum paste recipe. I know that many like the one from Nicholas Lodge.
Hi Louise!
Beautiful roses, absolutely lovely. Do you make your own gum paste? If so, any chance of a future tutorial on it?
Cheers, keep the great work coming.
You inspire us all!
Nicole: I used pink and a green (advocado) color for the roses and leaves. Only add the color for the leaves sparingly. The brand is Americolor.
Mary: ohh bummer! no im sorry…. The link is only on flickr 🙁 Wich country do you live in??
I really want to learn how to do this flower but unfortunately, flickr site is blocked in my country. Is there any where else i can see the tutorial
This cake is just beautiful. I was wondering what colouring brand and colour you used for the roses and leaves because I have not been able to find colours this pretty!!
YooLee: If you see the rose tutorial there is a gumpaste/modeling paste recipe wich is so great to work with. You could also visit Nicholas Lodge’s website: https://www.nicholaslodge.com/gumpaste.htm
Hi! this is a very beautiful rose! anyway i’m looking for gumpaste recipe, thinking about making my own gum paste coz the course here are incredibly expensive! heard that gumpaste are much better for making dummy cake, which also last longer than fondant? thanks!
You can get “celbuds”/styrofoam eggs from here aswell https://www.shop.confectionerswares.com/category.sc?categoryId=54
Judi: aprox 4″/ 10cm
Goodbaker & dEBBIE: I get them from my local craft store. So you should be able to get them from Michaels. Try and type “styrofoam eggs” on Google.
The size on the egg should be a bit smaller than the cutters you are going to use.
I can’t find the eggs either. I’m in Florida USA. Any idea where I can get them or order them from. Thanks……I love these roses!!!
Where can you find the styrofoam egg centers? I haven’t seen them anywhere.
Wow!!! These roses are so gorgeous!!!
The roses are just stunning. I catch my breath every time I see them! Great work louise 🙂
OMG Lou this flowers are AMAZING!!! xD
I received yesterday 2 dozen cupcakes and wanted to show youuuu xD i’ll be emailing you some pics really soon to get your expert opinion xD
How large are these in diameter? It’s hard to tell from the picture. They are just gorgeous!
Kelly: try blossomsugarart.com – cakedeco.com.au – carolines.com.au
These roses are devine…I was wondering if you knew of supplier in Australia who sells these cutters, I’m having trouble locating them here.
PS: love you blog 🙂
Very beautiful, very realistic feel this cake very happy.
很漂亮,很逼真 这蛋糕让人感觉很幸福.
Those roses look magnificent!
Thanks for the tips and tutorial. I can now go ahead and start trying to perfect mine 🙂
miss Liza
what a great idea to use styrofoam for the rose. But i never seen egg shaped before, were can you by them?
thank you so much.
goodbaker: Click on the pink link where it says “here” in the post. This will take you to her photo stream on flickr. scoll down about 23 comments and you will find a link to the rose tutorial.
i can’t find the tuturial with her name franjmc in comments above. am i missing it somewhere??
Lindsay: Personally I dont eat gumpaste decorations, Gum paste gets very hard when all dried up. Also with these roses you have at styrofoam center so they are not edible. They can be made with 50/50 gumpaste and fondant if you want them “more” edible. The great thing with gum paste is that it is very flexible when working with gum paste flowers also when dry the flowers feels more light to handle.
Rach: I think you can or you can use egg white too as a glue or some fondant mixed with water.
CakeLady: You have to scoll down and look for it in the comments in the link. I would have loved if I could have uploaded it to the site but I cant.
Anita RM
Thanks for sharing inspirational roses and the great tips! you are always helpful!
Hi Louise, what an awesome sight!!! I was wondering what is the size of the petal cutter which u used for this fantastic set of roses. thank you for sharing….
NotJustThe CakeLady
Couldn’t find the rose tutorial
Thanks Louise & thanks to Frances, this is a wonderful tutorial.
I love cake journal, I refer friends all the time.
Instructions are easy to follow and you get great results.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Thank you so much for the Tips and the video.
I want to make the tylo glue, but it isn’t available locally, and I want it ASAP, however, I can get gum tex. Can gum-tex be substituted for tylose?
Thank you for sharing your photos and Fran’s website/tutorial. These are just beautiful. 🙂
Carla Guillermety
These flowers are the most beautiful roses I’ve ever seen!!! I can’t wait to try them myself!!! I think I’ll give it a try for Mother’s day!!!
Thank you for all your wonderful tutorials and for making others available to us!!!!
Best regards from San Juan, Puerto Rico
Carla Guillermety
Sugar Diva Cakes
Thanks Louise for this tips
wowwwww…. Fantastic…. TK
this is the most beautiful rose i’ve ever seen!!!
It’s a magnificant rose!! Thank you, as always, for sharing!!
I’ve never worked with gum paste, so I was wondering–does it taste any good? I’m loathe to put anything that people can’t eat on a cake (like fondant, *shudder*).
If you have the right fondant, or make your own, it tastes quite good.
if you make the fondant yourself, it taste so good and its great on cakes!! i make all my own, its so much cheapr than buyin that stuff from the stores
The fondant that you cover your cakes with can be made delicious. I really love the semi home-made one that Jennifer Dontz makes: https://www.jenniferdontz.com/viewproduct.php?itemid=dvd001 I don’t eat my gum paste decorations. If it’s not too dry you can eat it though.
There are several recipes nline to make fondant from a marshmellow base, which is way better tasting than the store bought stuff.